Aye Africa Foundation Ltd believes in the criticality of a combination of both moral and knowledge based transformation. We believe that developing countries must align their attitudes and values with relevant and practical knowledge to favorably compete globally. For us, this means making global professionals in all sectors- the Christian way. This collaborative project will emphasize the moral aspect reinvigorated through the church while we bring down market (professional knowledge) from market professionals to the grass root youth beneficiaries through our sensitization campaigns and programmes. Young men and women comprise almost 77 % of Uganda’s population of which more than 80% are Christians. This provides a great platform for knowledge dissemination for all our collaborators to ensure effective transformation.


We conduct professional programs for both employed and unemployed youths. Recent studies indicate that more than 70% organizations do not have HR trainings on professionalism and even those that have them, professionalism is only tackled as a topic (30-45 minutes) in the induction package. Professionalism is a combination of different qualities that can only be mastered with time, engagement and encouragement.


It is also important to note that lack professionalism contributes over 80 % to collapsed business, therefore making it a very pertinent issue to address.


This is why our programs are beneficial for all category of youths.


Our programs boast of a combination of different modes of training communication including seminars and workshops, internet platforms, team projects, motivational speeches, reward and recognition and soliciting for sponsorships, scholarships and internship opportunities among others for outstanding members.

Our programs on professionalism aim at instilling key basic qualities of a great professional in order to achieve five major attributes in our youth beneficiaries;

  1. Accountability
  2. Responsibility
  • Integrity

Our Facilitation on professionalism include but not limited to the following as   recommended by HR professionals and Business Managers;

  1. Displaying a sense of ethics
  2. Accepting Personal responsibility and decisions for actions
  3. Competence in verbal and written communication
  4. Working as a team member
  5. Thorough preparation
  6. Taking initiative
  7. Projecting a professional image
  8. Completing a job as required
  9. Thinking independently
  10. Open to criticism
  11. Exhibiting commitment to company
  12. Ability to act independently
  13. Being flexible
  14. Demonstration of passion for one’s work
  15. Ability to critically evaluate data
  16. Demonstrating leadership ability
  17. Work life balance
  18. Sense of responsibility to greater community
  19. Concern for opportunities for advancement
  20. Being an expert in one’s field.


We also facilitate educational and career preparation for students but also help those that are newly employed to plan their career development.


Our professional collaborations focus on areas that are in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), African Union development objectives, Ugandan Vision 2040 and also in line with the membership categorization.

Below are the membership categories;

  1. Education
  2. Health
  3. Agriculture
  4. Energy
  5. Administration and Services
  6. Environment and Climate Change
  7. Water and Sanitation
  8. Business, Trade and commerce
  9. Science and Information technology
  10. Leadership and Human Resource development.
  11. Finance and Banking
  12. Tourism
  13. Inequality (social and economic)

Grouping members will facilitate strengthening specialties and support bases to achieve will sustainable growth of such sectors.



At AAFL successful collaborations are measured by 3 parameters abbreviated as C.E.O i.e.


Creativity; we appreciate the dynamics of the global platform we operate and constantly seek to creatively improve our services and relationships.

Exposure; We are open minded, eager to learn and incorporate new practices and knowledge from others as long as they are in line with our moral foundational principles.

Opportunity: We actively engage in activities that meaningfully provide growth opportunities for our colleagues, clients and collaborations (win – win situations).


Opportunities for Partnership;

  1. Financial support
  2. Facilitation at Barclays Community programs
  3. Induction and follow up of young and new recruits
  4. Sponsorship and scholarships for outstanding youths
  5. Internship opportunities
  6. Voluntary mentor-ship


Benefits from this Partnership;

  1. Discounted facilitation for staff (under 35yrs) on professionalism and its contribution to organizational and community welfare.
  2. Marketing space on all social media platforms
  3. Platform to extend your community investment programs and group community mobilization and visibility.
  4. Platform for awareness of business programmes, products and services
  5. Stronger market and business prospects
  6. Availability of better grass root data for business decision making and strategy.