Project Bright Hope…

In 2017, Aye Africa Foundation embarked on a journey to create awareness, train and promote merit based servant leadership in primary and secondary schools. This was after a realization of gross misconduct among students and pupils especially during election of student/pupil leaders. It is evident that the vice of student/pupil bribery in education institutions has taken root primary and secondary schools – where by aspiring student leaders bribe others in order to be voted in student/pupil leadership offices.

In 2019, AAF conducted a study to find out the effects student bribery in schools and we found the negative consequences to be ranging from economic effects (Cost of education), psyco- social/ mental effects (both for the bribed and aspiring students), child rights abuse, advancement of illegal and immoral principles of leadership at character formative ages and that this vice was against all cultural and religious values sacredly upheld in Uganda.

AAF concluded that if urgent action was not taken, as a country and as a continent, we risked losing a whole generation to impunity and hopelessness.

The Bright Hope Pledge Cards and Certificates are not only avenues of creating awareness but also a uniting factor for pupils, students, parents, teachers, schools and other relevant institutions who acknowledge the need for affirmative action and are committed to start with themselves.

‘Change cannot happen in a day but consistently and strategically, positive change can be achieved. ‘

Every signed pledge card is a sign of commitment to the sanctity of the lives of Uganda’s children and a call to action for research and implementation of the necessary remedies.

Aye Africa Foundation seeks to ensure this sanctity is achieved through:

  • Awareness activities amongst all relevant stakeholders (Parents, teachers, students/pupils Government agencies, schools administrators, civil society e.t.c
  • Policy research and recommendation
  • Relevant collaborations for the required implementation

Every individual or institution that pledges automatically becomes a partner and an Ambassador of Bright Hope.

‘Our Nations Children are our Nations foundation.’ Daniel Ayebare

‘When the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?’ Psalm 11:3